Four Awesome How To Utilize Public Transportation Mindfully


public transport


Public transportation is an effective way to travel around the city that is much more environmentally friendly than driving. We often forget about the benefits of travelling with other people and prefer to isolate ourselves by driving alone. Here are other reasons that you might not want to drive if your environmental worries do not convince you.

Meditation is a great moment to relax.

Public transportation is a great way to double as meditation time, because you don't need to fret about traffic chaos. If you are able to train your mind to block out all sounds and movements by focusing on your capacity to focus. Pay attention to the movements of your body while riding. What muscles do you use automatically, but not fully aware of? Dr. John Kaplan explains more about this subject in his YouTube video "Subway Meditation" (see below for a link).). To find out more details about public transport, you have to browse site.

Awareness of the environment with awareness and mindfulness

Transport lets you focus more on what's going on around and within you even when you're not paying attention enough to driving. Be aware of your surroundings and the impact they can have on your mood and your senses. It is a pleasure to witness the sun shining over green grass. But, you must be aware. Commuting on public transportation may be a great time to think about. You might be able to view the world from an broader perspective when you're in the company of others.


Social engagement

A majority of the time we do not engage in conversation with strangers in public places because of our irrational fear of creating a bad impression or looking silly and that's one reason why we prefer to drive alone. However, don't worry; we are social beings and love being with others. Public transport the opportunity to meet fellow travelers. Chatting with someone new could increase your concentration.


You can practice breathing exercises in a peaceful train, bus, or subway. Paying attention to the sensation of breathing is an excellent way to start to cultivate mindfulness for the rest of the day. Deep breathing can also be efficient in easing stress on your body on the way to home.

Public transportation offers numerous environmental advantages. It can also be more efficient in fitting mindfulness into busy schedules. There are a variety of options available for public transport. You could also carpool, provided your fellow carpoolers aren't worried about you being distracted sometimes. Every now and then you should stop driving. Be mindful of the environment and try to make it better.